Application for need-based $20 Discounted Tickets.
Group/Organization name:
Group/Organization address:
Organizer's name:
Organizer's phone number:
I have read and understand the suitability suggestions and due to the nature of live theatre and the rehearsal process that they may be revised. These revisions are available on the OSF website.
How many people and chaperones would you like to bring to OSF:
Check all that apply.
Julius Caesar (March 7 – October 26 , 2025)
The Importance of Being Earnest (March 8 – October 25, 2025)
August Wilson's Jitney (March 9 – July 20, 2025)
Shane (July 31 – October 25, 2025)
Fat Ham (March 11 – June 27, 2025)
As You Like It (April 16 – October 25, 2025)
Quixote Nuevo (July 9 – October 24, 2025)
The Merry Wives of Windsor (May 30 – October 12, 2025)
Into The Woods (May 31 – October 11, 2025)
Have you brought groups to OSF before?
If Yes, How many trips have you made with groups to OSF in the last five years
How would you describe the specific population(s) your school or organization serves?
Please describe how your school or organization engages with the community you’re serving.
How would this discount benefit your organization and the population it serves?